URGENT: IMLeagues and Team Dues

26 Sep 2022 by Allison Janineh

ALL members of comp and rec team (even those who just want to go on some outdoor trips) are required to do IMLeagues and Dues…

- go to IMLeagues.com or use the app
- navigate to the Climbing Fall 22 page
- choose EITHER Rec or Comp team, and hit the green “join” button

IMLEAGUES SIGNUPS MUST BE COMPLETE BY FRIDAY TO GET ALL THE PERKS OF THE CLIMBING TEAM. After that point, you will likely still be able to climb but we cannot guarantee discounts on gear, benefits thru the gym etc.

Paying Dues
$10 in cash or online. Dues are the same for comp and rec. We would prefer dues to be collected by the end of next week.

For paying online…
- Go to Campus Pulse and login
- Look on the side and scroll down to where it says “link to collect dues”
- Fill out the form and pay $10 to RSO- Climbing Team (comp and rec members are paying the same)
- Forward your receipt to Climbing@umass.edu

For paying in cash…
Message an officer or find us at practice!

Please get this done as soon as possible.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask :)

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